By Omar L. Gallaga | Saturday, February 21, 2010
Matt Chasen, the CEO and founder of Austin’s uShip Inc., has watched lots of flashy companies sail through South by Southwest Interactive on a wave of hype (but with no business plan). That’s good for some companies (cough – twitter – cough), but Chasen says that for many start-ups, little attention is paid to the basics of business: working hard and becoming profitable as quickly as possible.
“Hype is good and hype helps, but it’s very rare to have hype-driven companies actually amount to anything,” Chasen said. “What ultimately makes any business sexy is being successful.”
Ah, yes: The Sexy. It’ll be the topic of the South by Southwest Interactive panel “Unsexy & Profitable,” which will include Chaes, Hooman Radfar of Clearspring Technologies Inc., Alan Martin of and writer Paul Carr from TechCrunch as moderator.