Transporters that locate moving jobs through online marketplace uShip can now download the ‘uShip Mobile App’ on their iPhone, Android or WebOS smartphones.
With the uShip Mobile App, truckers’ phones are turned into mini-laptops. “Push notifications” mean that even when the app is closed, trucks will know when a bid is accepted, declined or questions are asked. Navigation allows drivers to verify delivery addresses, with directions and map view.
“The uShip Mobile App suits both transporters and shipping customers as they participate in an increasingly mobile lifestyle that is less dependent on the PC,” said Matt Chasen, CEO and founder of uShip. “Whether on an iPhone, Android or WebOS – and eventually iPad and BlackBerry 6 – the uShip App provides a much richer mobile uShip experience, whether at the grocery store, stuck in traffic or out with friends.”
Transporters and customers who do not own an iPhone, Android or WebOS smartphone, yet have a mobile web browser, can still use uShip on the go at
See the original article on (Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine).